Category Archives: LIfestyle

Brunswick, ME|Fresh48|Ashley Langtry Photography

Midcoast Hospital in Brunswick, Maine has THE BEST light.  Seriously you guys.  Look at this family and their newest addition. ❤

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Fresh48| Ashley Langtry Photography| The C Family

There is a reason why my Fresh 48 sessions are discounted.  It is because I think every one needs this keepsake.  It is because new parents, and sweet smelling babies melt my heart, and because the everyone deserves to hold onto these life changing moments forever.

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Portland Newborn Photographer| Ashley Langtry Photography| Little Potato

Sometimes I walk into someones home for a photo session, and the love is just palpable.  This is one of those sometimes. First of all, the grandparents traveled all the way to Portland, Maine to meet their very first grand baby.  Second of all, check out the look on her Papa’s face. And let’s not…

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Why I support Birth Roots, And Why You Should Too

December 18th 2009- My daughter is born via c-section.  I am now a mom of two.  TWO.  Big brother is a whopping 20 months old. December 27th 2009- My husband leaves for his first deployment and I leave my Virginia home with a U-haul in tow, destination San Diego.   I was a new, 25-year-old…

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Maine Family Photography | My Family Time

My son is obsessed with research.  Seriously.  He reads, documents, illustrates whatever subject they are talking about in school.  Last month it was Komodo Dragons, then came sharks, and now amphibians. Lucky him, here in Maine spring brings out FROGS!  So we spent the entire weekend frog hunting.  “Mom can you bring your camera?!”  Don’t…

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