The world has a strange way of working in circles. 25 years ago, 6,000 miles away I knew this woman. We were in Kindergarden then. We got to cross paths again here in Hawaii, and I got to meet her husband, little man, her silly daughter, and photograph her newborn boy. Reconnecting with her was the most fun ever, and the funny thing about old friends, it’s just so easy to talk to them. Before she left island, we squeezed in this family session, and maybe I am partial to it for personal reasons, but it is one of my favorites.
Kualoa Regional Park
Kualoa Regional Park
Kualoa Regional Park
Kualoa Regional Park
Kualoa Regional Park
Kualoa Regional Park
Kualoa Regional Park
Kualoa Regional Park
Kualoa Regional Park
Kualoa Regional Park
Kualoa Regional Park
Kualoa Regional Park