Finally, FINALLY, after doing her mama’s maternity, and then Fresh 48, I got sweet baby S in studio. Check out all her perfect little details and HER EYES. It is so rare I have a baby in my studio that is wide awake. That shot of her looking straight into my camera has got to be one of my favorites of all time. Congrats family, your love created such a perfect baby!
Oh her sweet little hands are so tiny and delicate.
Baby S’ chubby baby cheeks are insanely adorable.
All her little details for her mama to cherish.
Baby S’ timeless and classic look- she pulls it off so beautifully.

Baby S looks so delicate in my studio.

Baby S looks classic and beautiful.

Baby S is such a perfect little princess.

Baby S is wide awake and bright eyed.

Baby feet make me squeal.

Baby S with her pouty lips.

Baby S snuggled in my studio looked like an angel.

Baby S is so sweet in her lace crown.